
Willow Zig Zag Log Bottomed Basket

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Product description

Learn how to make a kindling basket with log bottom- a great basket for beginners or for those developing their weaving style.

We will be working from a log section base so that you can concentrate on learning:

  • track bottom border
  • 3 rod chase wale
  • French or zig zag French
  • Waling to allow for handle incorporation (hazel handle or hand holds)
  • 5 behind 2 border or trac border depending on time/experience
  • working with hazel- cutting, drilling, sanding & applying sealant/ polish
  • trimming & tidying the basket

Perfect for beginners or those who have made a few roundwork baskets & want to develop style, control & learn new weaves

Please note:

  • this course is physically demanding & you need a good degree of manual dexterity.

What do I need to bring?

Glasses (if you need them for close-up work).
Notebook and pen if you wish to make notes, but e-notes and links will be sent after the workshop.
Old clothes, covered, flat shoes (no sandals or open toes), something to tie hair back with (if needed).

Course leader: Rachel Hutton
Level: Beginner / Intermediate
Lunch provided: Yes

Tea, coffee, soup and cake will be provided (GF, DF and VG friendly).
Please feel free to bring your own packed lunch.

My Basket