

An eco-friendly crop

The Somerset Levels provide ideal conditions for willow – a sustainable and renewable crop. Willow is one of the fastest growing plants. During the summer months, a willow rod can grow by over 10 feet!

A willow cutting only takes around 3 years to become established. The willow stump should then provide numerous rods which can be harvested every year for many decades.

  • Willow is a sustainable, fast growing crop
  • No fossil fuels are used to boil or steam willow
  • Rainwater is extensively harvested
  • Good land management helps to minimise impact on wildlife

Carbon neutral

Willow absorbs carbon as it grows. Musgrove Willows practice a carbon neutral policy. Traditional methods are often the best. No fossil fuels are used to boil or steam our willow. Rainwater is extensively harvested and willow off cuts are turned into keepsakes, artist charcoal or burned as fuel.

Our team work sensitively with the environment. Good land management helps to minimise our impact on wildlife. Some of our land is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest and given over to nature.

Beautiful and practical

Willow has been used for its strength, beauty and practicality throughout our homes and lives for centuries. In these environmentally aware times, products made with British willow are becoming more popular as they are rightly viewed as an eco-friendly option.

Only non-toxic dyes are used to colour our willow. The dyeing is done by hand on our farm. Our skilled weavers make fence panels, baskets and coffins with willow grown here.

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