How to install willow fencing
13 March 2024

Surrounding your outdoor space with highly sustainable willow fencing is a great way to add a natural, rustic look. At Musgrove Willows, we stock beautiful, practical willow fence panels that are simple to install.
Read on to find out how to install a stunning willow fence to your outdoor space.
1. Plan your fencing boundary
Step one is to plan out exactly where your willow fence is going to go.
Decide what lines your willow fencing will follow and mark the locations for each fence post. Measure out your fencing boundary so you know how much willow fencing to order.
Make sure you take into account any trees, plants, or other garden features that might affect the dimensions of your fencing boundary.
Once you’ve measured your fencing boundary, don’t worry if it turns out you need unusual sizes. At Musgrove Willows, we can supply bespoke willow fencing to fit any outdoor space, and supply alternative sizes to suit an unusual fence boundary layout.
2. Purchase your willow fencing
Having worked out how much willow fencing you need, the next step is to purchase it.
Here at Musgrove Willows, we stock beautiful willow fencing woven using willow grown right here on our Somerset farm – including willow hurdle fencing and willow fence screening.
We stock 6ft ribbon fencing panels available in various heights, and we also supply bespoke made-to-measure ribbon fencing panels. Handwoven by our experienced weavers, our willow fence panels offer privacy, wind-resistance, and durability.
Woven willow fencing allows wind to blow through, meaning it is more robust and lasts better than regular fencing in high winds and stormy conditions. Each of our willow fence panels is also made with the bark left on to increase its lifespan.
3. Purchase and install your fence posts
Putting up your willow fence begins with installing your fence posts.
Standard fence posts are available at most DIY stores and garden centres, and the size of the posts should be around twice the height of your fence – as around half the fence post will be in the ground.
You can use either round or square fence posts, but it’s important to decide before you put up your fence whether your fence panels will be going in front of your fence posts or in-between them.
Place your fence posts at regular intervals of around 2 metres apart along the line of your fence boundary. Make sure your posts are securely installed – use a mallet hammer to get them buried deeply in the ground and stable.
4. Install your willow fencing
Now your fence posts are securely in place, it’s time to install your willow fence panels between them.
You can screw each fence panel to your wooden fence posts, ensuring every panel is securely attached to a fence post and stable.
As you move along the line of your fence, keep checking that your fence panels are aligned and level. This way, you can adjust things as you go along – making sure that, at the end, you’re left with a beautiful, level willow fence.
5. Maintain your willow fencing
Once your willow fence is installed, it will add a beautiful, rustic aesthetic to your outside space.
To keep your willow fence looking as good as the day it went up for many years to come, it’s important to maintain it properly.
To do this, treat your willow fence panels with a top quality Fence Panel Protector – a 50/50 mixture of boiled linseed oil and turpentine. You can also use Protek to protect your willow fence. You can apply the treatment with a brush or spray bottle. Your fence panels will be sticky to the touch for a week or two as the treatment soaks in.
Applying treatment to your willow fence once or twice a year will greatly extend its lifespan and keep every panel looking beautiful for years to come.
For beautiful Somerset willow fencing, contact Musgrove today
If you’re looking to transform your outdoor space with some beautiful, handwoven willow fencing, here at Musgrove Willows we can help. We have everything from willow fencing to willow garden edging, willow garden gates, and more.